CT scan with contrast 電腦斷層(顯影)掃描
• Fasting for at least 4 hours prior to examination
• If you have allergies, asthma or cardiac diseases, please inform our staff. We shall ask you to come to our laboratory centre one day earlier before examination for the prescription of anti-allergic medication.
• If you are in the medication of Metformin /Glucophage, or similar diabetic medication, please stop the med- ication the night before examination and within 48hours after the contrast injection.
如正服用糖尿藥甲福明(Metformin / Glucophage) 或同類藥物,必須於檢查前一晚及注射顯影劑後四十八小 時內暫停服藥
CT Upper Abdomen and Lower Abdomen 上腹部及下腹部電腦斷層掃描
• Fasting for at least 4 hours prior to examination
• Please drink a cup of water every 10 minutes for one hour prior to examination.
• Please also refer to preparation for “CT scan with contrast ” if contrast injection is required.
CT Coronary Angiogram 冠狀動脈造影
• Please take medication which is prescribed by your doctor as usual except for medication for diabetes.
照常服用所有醫生處方的藥物 (糖尿藥除外)。
• Our staff will measure your heart rate before the scan, you may need to take prescribed medication and wait for about 30 minutes if your heart rate does not meet the examination requirement.
檢查前職員會量度閣下之心跳率。如心跳率未符合檢查條件,閣下或需服食化驗中心提供之處方藥物,及等 待約三十分鐘。
• Please also refer to preparation for “CT scan with contrast ”.