Low dose Digital Mammogram is an X-ray imaging utilized to detect breast-cancer by identifying abnormal clarification. Regular mammography is extremely important in identifying early signs of breast cancer or any recurrence.
Siemens MAMMOMAT Inspiration can provide digital images of exceptionally high resolution in 18 seconds after exposure, which is far faster than the 27seconds of the prevous models. Furthermore, with a special X-ray tube with a tungsten anode and new AEC algorithms, which individually compute the dose acoording to the size of the breast and the type of tissue, the system ensures the lowest possible dose.
Mammography is a safe and highly accurate examination. Talk to your physician and ask if a mammography is advisable.
嶄新的低輻射數碼乳房X 光造影檢查是用來檢測乳腺癌·定期的乳房造影檢查是非常重要的,這有助於早期找出乳癌的跡象或者癌細胞的再生·
Siemens MAMMOMAT Inspiration 只需 18 秒,便能題示高質量圖像,較傅統儀器的 27 秒為快·系統包括備有鎢陽極的特殊 X光管,使用新式自助曝光控制算制式,能夠根據個別乳房的大小及組織類型計算劑量,達致最低劑量。