General Information 一般注意事項
• Specimens will be picked up as soon as possible when the laboratory centre is informed.
• Request forms and specimen containers are supplied to clients on request.
• Please label all specimen bottles and mark patient’s name, ID no.,sex, age and date of birth on our request form together with patient’s history, diagnosis if available, test required, date and time of specimen collec- tion.
請將全部樣本樽標貼妥當,在化驗中心化驗表格上填上病人姓名、身份證號碼、性別、年齡、出生日期、病 歷、診斷、所需化驗項目、抽取樣本日期及時間。
• Specimens transported in unsuitable containers or exposure to adverse conditions may give inaccurate re- sults.
樣本若放在不當容器或在不良情況下運送,均可影響化驗結果;如有需要,我們會通知受影響醫生/病人再抽取 樣本。
• It is convenient for you to bring together with the urine and stool specimen on the examination day.
• Please feel free to contact our laboratory centre if further tests are needed in addition to the initial request.
Urine (Early Morning Urine) Collection
• Please obtain a sterile container from our laboratory centre.
• Please collect the first stream of morning urine with the container provided and submit it to our laboratory centre as soon as possible.
Urine (Mid-Stream Urine) Collection
• Please obtain a sterile container from our laboratory centre.
• Clean the urethral opening and genital area with a wet tissue. Keep foreskin retracted (Male) or labia apart (Female).
• Pass urine for 2 seconds then collect mid-stream portion of the urine with the sterile container. Tightly close the urine container and immediately submit the specimen to our laboratory centre.
• Culture specimens if cannot be submitted immediately would be best placed in refrigerator to prevent bacterial growth.
Semen Collection
• Please obtain a sterile container from our laboratory centre.
• Seminal fluid is collected following a sexual abstinence of at least 2 days and no longer than 7 days.
• Specimen should be collected by masturbation or sexual intercourse. Directly inject it into the sterile contain- er.
• Record the time of collection on the container label and submit the specimen to our laboratory centre within 2 hours.
• For fertility testing, 2 samples should be collected for initial evaluation; interval between two collections should not be less than 7 days or more than 3 weeks
Sputum Collection
• Early morning sputum is preferred.
• Instruct the patient to rinse his/her mouth with water before specimen collection. Do not use any antiseptic mouthwash.
• Ask the patient to take several deep breaths and cough sputum directly into the sterile container. Tightly close the container and immediately submit the specimen to our laboratory centre.
24 hours Urine Collection
1. Please obtain a 24 hours urine container from our laboratory centre.
2. Please instruct the patient to empty the bladder before starting to collect 24 hour urine sample, and then save all the urine voided during the next 24 hours in the container provided.
e.g. Sample collection time start from 8 am, instruct patient to empty bladder at 7:59am (no need to collect this time), collect all urine sample afterwards, until 7:59am of the 2nd day to collect the last sample.
舉例:由早上8時開始,指示病人於早上7:59分如廁 (這次不用收集),之後所有的尿液樣本收集於容器內,直 到第二天早上7:59分作最後一次尿液收集。
3. The container may have corrosive strong acid inside. Recommend to use funnel to transfer urine sample to the collection container. DO NOT directly urinate into the container.
4. It is best to refrigerate the specimen during the collection period, or in the absence of fridge space, store in an air-conditioned room; avoid direct sunlight
5. Please encourage the patient to drink fluids during the 24 hours unless medically contraindicated
6. Please mark down the start of the 24 hours period and the collection time of the last specimen. Submit the specimen to our laboratory centre as soon as possible.
請把24小時之開始及最後一次收集尿液之時間紀錄,完成樣本收集後盡快將樣本送回化驗中心,請寫下留小便 的日期及時間。