Blood tests including liver function test only reveal the infections status and / or degree of inflammation in various types of hepatitis but cannot identify liver fibrosis. Although liver biopsy is the traditional gold standard to assess liver fibrosis, its use is limited by its invasive nature and risk of bleeding with potentially serious consequences. Our centre has introduced the Real-time and non-invasive liver stiffness measurement which is a new non-invasive technology to measure liver stiffness. It is very accurate in detecting advanced liver fibrosis and early cirrhosis. The examination process is rapid, safe, and painless and no hospital stay is required.
傳統肝纖維化或肝硬化的檢查透過驗血知道肝酵素指數 , 但不能反映肝組織的受損度。若了解肝纖維化或肝硬化的程度 , 醫生需要替病人進行肝刺活組織檢查 , 但是肝活組織檢查是一項創傷性檢查 , 要 進行局部麻醉和留院觀察 , 具有潛在風險。有見及此 , 本中心亦引 入嶄新即時,無創性肝硬度測量掃描檢查, 遠比肝活檢快捷簡便, 而且無風險 , 對量度肝纖維化評估