Treadmill is very useful in diagnosing blockages in the vessels that supply blood to the muscles of the heart (Coronary Arteries). When these arteries are blocked or narrowed, the heart muscle may not be getting enough blood when it is stressed; this often results in chest pain and abnormal E.C.G changes. An abnormal heart rate or rhythm during exercise may also indicate heart problems.
Treadmill test is indicated for patients who demonstrate symptoms such as angina retrosternal chest discomfort, chest pain relating to neck, jaw or arm, irregular heart beat or who have family history of significant heart disease.
運動心電圖 ( 跑步心電圖 ) 檢查主要用以偵測心肌缺血。透過病人在跑步機 上進行跑步運動,使心臟負擔和血氧需求增加,讓心臟疾病問題呈現在心電圖上。
如你有心臟疾病的病徵,如心絞痛、胸部呈壓迫感、劇痛並擴展至頸部、 手臂及下顎、心律紊亂、或家族病歷等,請及早徵詢醫生意見是否需要進行運動心電圖檢查
Electrocardiogram measures the heart’s electrical activity and records it as waveforms. It is one of the most valuable and commonly used diagnostic examinations. It provides basic structural and rhythmic information of the heart.
靜態心電圖是一種常用的心臟檢查 , 當心臟機能發生變化時 , 心電圖便會顯示出異常 , 醫生便可根據人心電圖的結果診斷及評估患者之情況。